Admissions Policy


  • Photographic images and video filming is not permitted without prior consent from Valley Leisure Ltd.
  • There is no age restriction to take part in any of the activities.
    • Under 13’s must be supervised by an adult at all times.
    • 13-17 year olds can take part in activities in the venue without adult supervision during the day time.
    • After 7pm 13-15-year olds must have adult supervision.
    • After 9pm 16-17-year olds must have adult supervision.
    • Proof of age will be required.
  • Online bookings will require a copy of the booking confirmation on arrival at the venue reception. Bookings cannot be amended or refunded.
  • Carers are permitted to support patrons who use the facilities but must remain with them in this supporting role.
  • Wear appropriate clothing for the activity and a family venue, we ask that guests do not wear hoods or caps in the facility.
  • If a member of your group spills a drink, please notify a member of staff.
  • Please report any problems to a member of staff immediately.
  • We accept no responsibility for any personal property that is brought to the venue.
  • Any person under the influence of drugs or alcohol or acting abusively/aggressively to staff or other customers will not be admitted to the venue.
  • Persons not abiding by the venue rules or instructions from staff will be asked to leave the premises.
  • Any person suspended or previously banned from the venue will not be permitted entry.
  • We reserve the right to refuse admission should you breach any of our general admission terms.
  • Price and availability information is subject to change at Valley Leisure Ltd.’s discretion.


  • Pick up the balls carefully and hold with both hands (there are lightweight balls for children).
  • Do not step over the black line at the start of the lane surface, the lanes are coated with a special oil varnish to protect them and the surface is really slippery. 
  • Wait until the ball has returned fully onto the rack, if a ball does not return, please speak to a member of staff for assistant. Do not place your hands inside the ball return at any time. 
  • Do not touch the balls that are on the rack as your fingers could become trapped when the ball returns. 
  • Never go near the bowling machine at the end of the lane, if your ball gets stuck, ask a member of staff for assistance. 
  • If a member of your group spills a drink, please notify a member of staff. 


  • Only people 1.1m and above are permitted to play Laser Tag.
  • Every customer must watch the briefing video prior to playing.
  • No running, crouching, laying or climbing allowed in the area.
  • No physical contact with other players. 
  • No food or drink to be taken into the briefing, vesting or laser tag arena. 
  • No mobile phones to be used within the arena. 
  • Appropriate footwear must be worn; high heels, wedges, Heelys, barefoot or flip flops are not permitted. 

Breaches of these rules may result in you being asked to leave the Laser Tag arena. 


  • Do not lean/sit/climb on any of the décor in and around the golf complex.
  • Do not misuse the putters/golf balls.
  • Please ensure you wipe your shoes thoroughly before entering the golf complex.
  • If a group wish to play through as they are completing the course more quickly than your group, please allow them to go ahead of your group.
  • We have the right to ask you to leave the area if you are not adhering to the terms and conditions of play.
  • No food or drink can be taken into the Glo-Golf area. 

The company reserves the right to specify on what days and times entry to the centre and use of the facilities and equipment will be available.

Valley Leisure reserves the right to refuse access to any person/s in any circumstances deemed detrimental to the commercial interests of the charity or where there is a reasonable belief that such access could create the potential for conflict of interest or solicitation of Valley Leisure customers or staff.

Valley Leisure Ltd welcomes your feedback. Please email: [email protected]

Activities, Games & Amusements Zones

Find out more about all the activities we offer and book.



glow golf


Laser game

Laser Tag


AR Darts



Arcade Area



Planning a Celebration or Event?

Our venue is perfect for children’s parties, corporate bookings and team-building events.

Activity Zone
Gift Vouchers

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